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Launch Event

5:00 pm

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Revolution Huddersfield, Cross Church Street, Huddersfield, UK



Join us at Revolution for the launch of the Kirklees and Calderdale Junior Lawyers Division on the 29th June, at 6pm.

Come along and hear more about the JLD and out upcoming events. Meet the JLD committee, your fellow members and introduce yourself to local firms in attendance.

This will be a night of networking not to be missed!

Please note: This event will be held on the upper floor of the venue which does not have wheelchair access. We are sorry if for this reason you are unable to attend this event but ask that you follow our social media to stay up to date with our future events. Our JLD will attempt where possible to book venues which are accessible to all.

Please RSVP below, or using the following link:

Should your firm wish to show its support for its local JLD and attend our launch to learn more about what the JLD can offer it and its junior staff members, we ask that you share the following link (firms only) to RSVP their attendance:

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